
National Youth Summit: Teen Resistance to Systematic Racism — Workshop with Kamelya Youssef

3:30-5 p.m. EDT Friday, Oct. 9, 2020
National Youth Summit: Teen Resistance to Systematic Racism — Workshop with Kamelya Youssef

Online via Zoom
Registration required 

In partnership with the Smithsonian Institution, AANM is pleased to host a workshop as part of this year’s National Youth Summit. The National Youth Summit hosts conversations about important events in America’s past that have relevance to the nation’s present and future. This year’s summit focuses on Teen Resistance to Systematic Racism. Middle and high school-aged youth are invited to join us for an online storytelling workshop, led by writer and teacher Kamelya Omayma Youssef, revolving around telling their personal story about social justice, racism and what equity looks like, through their own perspective.

The workshop will take place online over Zoom. Registration required; the Zoom link and all information on how to join the workshop will be sent to the e-mail used to register. REGISTER HERE

Kamelya Omayma Youssef is a poet-writer-teacher from Lebanon by way of Dearborn, Michigan. She tends to blur the borders between forms and hopes that one day borders are obliterated entirely. She is currently an MFA candidate in Poetry at New York University, where she is working on a few poetry manuscripts as well as a play. Her poems have been published in the Michigan Quarterly Review, Cordite Poetry Review, Mizna, Agape, Bird’s Thumb and on the theater stage with A Host of People. In addition to having earned a few writing awards and residencies, she also develops and presents creative workshops with her friends. Her ongoing project is mastering the art of being in multiple places at once.



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  • October 9, 2020 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
  • 3:30 pm