Workshop: Erasure Poetry: The Poetics of Additive Subtraction

Workshop: Erasure Poetry: The Poetics of Additive Subtraction

Erasure poetry, as one incarnation of found and documentary poetry, crafts its message by taking away, a strategy of “additive subtraction” applied to text. What makes a successful erasure poem? How can erasure poetry serve to address, challenge, mock, disrupt, abstract, bring into sharper focus or contrast, the sociopolitical realities that define our lives? How can erasure poetry dismantle the hegemonic, through highlighting and rewriting the elisions and fictions of the archive? And what visual and spatial considerations go into the architecture of erasure?

We will consider some of these questions in this generative workshop, grounding our analysis in the work of writers Candace Williams, Chase Berggrun, M. NourbeSe Philip, and Srikanth Reddy; and visual works by Ken Gonzales-Day, Jesse Chun, Jennif(f)er Tamayo, Jenny Holzer, and Ania Wawrzkowicz, among others.

Led by AANM artist-in-residence Bazeed.

Made possible in part by


  • May 7, 2025 - May 11, 2025
  • 12:00 am